UllrFest 2018

UllrFest 2018

UllrFest was held on Friday, Nov 9th at Barb & Larry’s.  What is UllrFest you ask??  In Norse Mythology, Ullr is the son of the grain goddess Sif, and the stepson of the thunder god Thor. Ullr was well skilled in the use of the bow and could go so fast on his skis. Each winter he covered the earth with snow to protect it from harm. It has been said that Ullr enjoyed the cold weather and loved traveling throughout the land, gliding along on his great skis. It is also said that Ullr was such a great skier, he would streak across the sky leaving the brilliant stars as his trails (they obviously had some fine powder days).  ETMM’s version of UllrFest is a fun way to kick off the ski season by burning some old ski stuff (skis, race bibs, trail maps,   ski clothing, etc.) to repay Ullr for his gift of snow in hopes of a good ski season (it’s really just another excuse for us to have a party and get together).

Ullr hooked up with Mother Nature and granted us an opening between the rain just in time to hold the bonfire.  Sacrifices were made and Ullr is happy so its looks like we will have good snow this season for our ski trips and racing events.  if you missed Ullrfest see some of the photos in the album.  Cheers to a good 2018-2019 ski season!